Problems with cvsup

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Sat Jan 26 16:32:33 PST 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 10:15 -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> I am trying to cvsup the whole of cvs-all.  I tried from both cvsup11, 
> and cvsup-master, and it always seems to get stuck at the same place, 
> that is:
>   Edit ports/graphics/qiv/Makefile,v
>    Add delta 1.32 2008. araujo
>   Edit ports/graphics/qiv/distinfo,v
>    Add delta 1.14 2008. araujo
>   Create ports/irc/darkbot/files/patch-Makefile,v
> Detailer failed: Network read failure: Connection timed out
> Will retry at 10:30:11
> (I am copying this to ctm-users, so that they know why CTM isn't working 
> right now.  I had to start cvsup from scratch, and I am having this issue.)

Looks like some of today's earlier runs from
failed with "TreeComp failed" messages which aren't overly helpful.  But
later runs seem to have succeeded.  Did you work out the problem or are
you still having problems?

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |
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