Statistics for FreeBSD FTP and CVSup mirrors

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Mon Aug 25 03:29:03 UTC 2008

About a year ago I made the FreeBSD FTP mirrors statistics for the
availability of ISO images. Recently I have added statistics for
the general up-to-dateness of the FTP server (via contents of the
file /pub/FreeBSD/TIMESTAMP) and the general up-to-dateness of CVSup
mirrors, via the file CVSROOT-ports/modules.

The statistics can be found at

and are available per country or global (for CVSup mirrors and for

And as a brain teaser:

    If you have an idea on how to identify the up-to-date
    /pub/FreeBSD/ports/*/packages*/All/ directory let me know and we
    can discuss it. For example, it has to overcome these kind of issues:

	ftp> dir a*
	229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||27149|)
	150 Here comes the directory listing.
	[... hundreds of lines deleted ...]
	226 Directory send OK.
	ftp> dir z*
	229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||60927|)
	150 Here comes the directory listing.
	226 Directory send OK.


Edwin Groothuis
edwin at

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