cvup mirrors and exact CVS dates

Erik Cederstrand erik at
Fri Oct 26 12:46:19 PDT 2007

Jason Harris wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 01:02:07PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 11:02:11AM +0200, Erik Cederstrand wrote:
>>> I reread my previous email, and I may not have made myself clear. I'm 
>>> trying to answer the question: "Are CVS dates and 
>>> uuuu.vv.ww.xx.yy.zz equal, in terms of source code?". Anyway, there might 
>>> be no easy way to answer this, and it's not a top priority for me.
>> The only certain and reliable way that I can think of is parsing all
>> the *,v CVS files and extracting the change dates from them.  As you
>> may realize, that's a lot of work, or at least a task that is quite
>> time-consuming and disk-intensive - but I can think of no other way.
> For me, the c[v]sup logs like /var/db/sup/ports-all/checkouts.cvs:. or 
> /var/db/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:RELENG_6 look like just what you
> want.  One line from the former, for example:

Ah, now we're getting there :-)

# grep "^C " /var/db/sup/src-all/checkouts.cvs:. | awk '{print $7}' | 
sed 's/^9/199/' | sort -u | tail -n 10

gives me the ten latest commit dates. It would be cool to somehow 
connect this with the tinderboxes, to mark date intervals with broken 
builds. But that's another project...

Thanks to everyone for your kind help!


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