cvsup tags for architectures?

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at
Wed Oct 17 20:27:52 PDT 2007

ISC has been asked to operate a public cvsup/ftp FreeBSD mirror at a big
pan-European ISP.  For reasons outside my control, the space I have for
the mirror is just over 400GB.   The cvsup mirror bit is small, but as
you all know, FreeBSD-archive with a release tag of 'all' is a wee bit
more than 400GB for the ftp mirror.

So to start, I was thinking about carrying just i386 and amd64 bits
(ISO's and packages, install media for all platforms) for now, until I
can get more space on the box.  I searched Google and failed to find out
if there were other tags for FreeBSD-archive other than "all" that are
perhaps platform specific?

How do other mirrors pare down their offerings from 'all'?  I am hoping
this condition won't last until the beginning of next year at the
latest, but one has to make do with what he/she has for now. :)

BTW - can 5.4 ISO's in general be moved to freebsd-archive (as well as

Thanks for your advice in advance.

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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