FreeBSD mirror in Armenia (fwd)

Hrant Dadivanyan ran at
Sat Mar 31 18:02:28 UTC 2007

[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> 2007/3/31, Hrant Dadivanyan <ran at>:
> > Hi Chin-San,
> >
> > Is there any progress ?
> Hi, Hrant:

Hi Chin-San,

> Sorry for reply your mail lately.
> The parent servers say that the domain does not have
> any NS records (although they may have some other information on that
> zone).
> {www1,cvsup1,ftp1} is a CNAME for ""
> instead of 'NS' record. ~_~"

They're recorded directly in zone as CNAMEs. When setup these
records Ken Smith did prefer this way for stability. I can quickly setup the zone on three stable DNS servers (two in AM and one in US)
if this is better now, though I've no personal preferrence on one way over

> In my opinion, you can contact dnsadm at FreeBSD for help you( to
> setup NS record and somethings else.

Okay, I'll ask there.

> Finally, I need a contact email for the responsible contact.
> Your SOA (Start of Authority) record with "" states that
> your DNS contact E-mail address is: ran at
> I will take it as contact email if you don't mind.

Yes, that's correct.

> Here's the patch:
> Could you take a review with this? Thanks.

Looks good, thanks !

> BTW, you can take a view at
> It's very useful for you to find who is responsible for what kinds of things.

Thank you,

> Cheers,
> -chinsan

Hrant Dadivanyan (aka Ran d'Adi)			ran(at)
/* "Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes." */	ran(at)

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