ftp mirror

Sergey Matveychuk sem at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jul 4 07:24:01 UTC 2007


I'd like to make a new mirror of ftp.freebsd.org.

What method can you recomend me and what server? I've try rsync(1) from 
ftp13.freebsd.org. But still can't fetch a full files set. After a 
couple days I've stopped it because I should rebooted the server. After 
I've run it again and many distfiles refetched again. After a day I've 
accidently stopped rsync and rerun it. Now it's fetching distfiles 
again. Either I did something wrong or distfiles are freshed every day 
(amd64/packages-5-stable still unfetched completely).

I've read `Mirroring FreeBSD' document but I still don't undersand what 
  method is preferable?

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