6.0 package uploads

Dimitar Vasilev dimitar.vassilev at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 07:14:08 PDT 2005

> and I still hope, that I have somewhat bigger disk array, than
> it is on ftp-master. So it seems that your 0.5 TB free space
> is very sufficient for some time since now.
Yes, but unfortunately it is not deployed. It stays blank for now.
> dmesg | grep HDT
ad4: 238475MB <HDT722525DLA380/V44OA80A> [484521/16/63] at ata2-master UDMA133
ad6: 238475MB <HDT722525DLA380/V44OA80A> [484521/16/63] at ata3-master UDMA133
I'd like to extend my existing ftp stripe with these two disks using
growfs, as previously posted here and on questions and preserve data
at the same time.
We're using gstripe and software RAID.
> df -h
/dev/stripe/data    289G    254G     12G    96%    /mnt/storage
This is my existing stripe that gives people rsync and ftp access and
will be getting narrower.
Does anyone have an experience extending existing stripe using growfs?

I suppose that the following command will preserve data and work:

# gstripe stop data
# gstripe label -v -s 65535 data /dev/ad3 /dev/ad4 /dev/ad5 /dev/ad6
# growfs -s  2000473292 /dev/stripe/data ( where   2000473292  is the
equivalent of 953.9G - the total storage I have from all disks -
existing and newly added, if summed).
# /sbin/reboot

> Please - if there would be any plans to upgrade disk space on ftp-master,
> do not forget to write about such upgrade here. And for me, it is much
> better to update things at the end of the year, whereas at the beginning
> it would not be very good idea.
Would it be possible in the future to announce the size of packages
being uploaded, so colleagues have more adequate reaction?
I apologize for being naughty and posting multiple times, but
according to an internal discussion with George Danchev, I didn't make
myself clear, so I ask one last time.
Sorry about that.
Димитър Василев
Dimitar Vassilev

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