6.0 package uploads

Dimitar Vasilev dimitar.vassilev at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 22:20:08 PDT 2005

2005/10/23, Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org>:
> i386, amd64 and sparc64 packages are uploaded and done with; no
> further changes are expected.  ia64 packages are mostly there but will
> receive some changes tomorrow.  The new set of distfiles is also
> uploaded.
> Please make your plans to resync your mirrors.
> Kris
You mean they're on the regional master or just being uploaded on the
The Bulgarian mirror is up-do-date with ftp-master.eu. and we got
quite lucky for now. We still got disk space ;-).
We have 0,5TB spare, but we're waiting someone to confirm/deny that
extending stripes with growfs is possible and in what manner to do it,
so that data is preserved.
Kris can you tell how much the new ia64 packages will be? I see that
the current volume for all releases for ia64 is about 24G for 5-stable
and 6-current.
Димитър Василев
Dimitar Vassilev

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