Mirmon for FreeBSD.org and mirror monitoring

Jacques Marneweck jacques at powertrip.co.za
Thu Oct 20 15:55:57 PDT 2005

Hi Guys,

A while back there was talk about looking into using mirmon to monitor 
the various FreeBSD www and ftp mirrors.

I'm planning on setting up a mirmon instance similar to the one which 
I'm running for the PHP project (http://www.powertrip.co.za/mirmon/), 
which I'm going to at some stage migrate over to the http://doc.php.net/ 
website.  I've started writing a web-based interface for maintaining 
mirror information which also generates the list of mirrors which mirmon 
needs to monitor as part of this service.  Is someone currently 
maintaining a list of mirror maintainers so that we can hook-up 
notifications[1] of out-of-date mirrors as part of the monitoring, 
similar to what we are doing at the PHP project?


[1] http://news.php.net/php.mirrors/29587

Jacques Marneweck

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