RC2 coming...
Ken Smith
kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Sun Oct 31 17:20:29 PST 2004
On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 10:42:49AM +1000, jason andrade wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2004, Peter Losher wrote:
> > As of this writing the following are available on ftp.freebsd.org
> > along with some of the mirror sites:
> >
> > alpha: build still in progress, probably available Monday
> > amd64: all images available
> > i386: all images available
> > ia64: build still in progress, available later today
> > pc98: build complete, loading in progress, available later today
> > sparc64: build complete, loading in progress, available later today
> thanks muchly peter. is there a revised ETA for -RELEASE including
> package sets ? and also is there any further archiving of older
> releases likely to happen with the release of 5.3 ? it'd be useful
> to do that manually in preparation of a release e.g 4.X or other 5.X
> releases being 'moved out'.
> regards,
> -jason
> P.S sorry i'm not on -current.. i have too much mail to read anyway so
> i appreciate people sending timely relevant fragments to these lists
> as they're very high SNR for me.
Sorry, I should be doing a better job in that regard. IMHO you
folks shouldn't need to track -current if you don't have time for
it. We appreciate your help getting the stuff out to end-users.
We will need to see how things go with RC2 but the current plan
is for the RELEASE builds to begin Wednesday-ish this coming week
(Nov. 3rd). If that does happen things won't be put in place
on ftp-master piece-meal the way RC2 happened, we'll hold off
on loading until at least all of the Tier-1 architectures are
completed (sparc64 tends to take the longest...). So, maybe
late Thursday, or early Friday.
There have been adjustments in the package sets since the first
of the package-5.3-release directories showed up in the tree. If
you manually sync those please re-sync. At the moment I believe
they are all complete and there are no more plans for adjustments
to those.
There are no plans in motion for more archiving of the older
releases right now, I cleaned out everything that was suitable
for cleaning a couple of weeks ago. If I remember correctly
one more of the old releases was set to fall off the Security
Officer's list of supported releases soon. I'll re-check that
and if one did I'll let you know.
Lastly some of you that cvsup from ftp-master may have noticed
cvsup is re-rsync-ing all of the ISO files. I think this is a
side-effect of some bittorrent testing, we're looking into it.
(As a side-effect of that testing we have hardlinked those files
to others that are outside of the tree - I *think* cvsup is getting
confused about that because on ftp-master it's a link count of 2 while
anywhere else it's a link count of 1 but that's just a guess right now).
Sorry for the inconvenience. It shouldn't actually be changing
anything in the files but it has apparently been re-scanning through
them anyway.
Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to | kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
there, funny things are everywhere. |
- Theodore Geisel |
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