freebsd 5.3-release and some observations

jason andrade jason at
Wed Nov 17 15:31:42 PST 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> No, they're tied to the release.  Often most packages will work, but
> not all, and not always.  The point of keeping package sets for the
> releases are because they've undergone QA during the release, and
> users know they'll always work.  Note that the release trees are
> static, so they're a once-only download.

yes, and that's a good current goal.  i just wanted to raise the idea
on whether this continues into the future (e.g FreeBSD6). 
> In theory, you can always prioritise your updates so that e.g. i386 is
> always synced when it changes, but ia64 is not synced more than once a
> month.  I don't know how easy this would be to do automatically on the
> mirror end, or if more infrastructure support would be needed, but
> that's out of my area.

ideally this is achieved by not rebuilding some of the architectures at
the same rate and then it's automatic, you don't update and i won't have
to fetch :-)

yes, this is a good idea and something that i imagine a number of us
have been doing informally - i will work to try to codify this into
the mirror documentation so people know.  i suspect i386 weekly and
everything else monthly would work.



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