new FreeBSD mirror in Poland

Bartek Gajda gajda at
Wed Mar 10 02:18:47 PST 2004

Hello Hostmasters!

We would like to create new mirror for FreeBSD using IPv6 and IPv4!
We know that already there are two mirrors in Poland but they are only 
accessible via IPv4.
We have host for it already running configured public ftp server:
which is IPv4 and IPv6 accessible with addresses:

we have good IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity to, tha average 
throughput is about 500 KB - 1 MB/s !

Below, I'm sending you a few words describing our institution:
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) was founded at the 
end of 1993 by the State Committee for Scientific Research.
PSNC is responsible for the development, management and maintenance of a 
countrywide Polish National Research and Educational Network POL-622.
PSNC concentrates on the following activities:
1.    Operator of countrywide Polish National Research and Educational 
Network POL-622,
2.    Operator of the Poznań Metropolitan Area Network POZMAN,
3.    Provider  of HPC and HPV services,
4.    Development Center for Next Generation Networks, Grids and Portals.

POL-622 network connects 21 MANs in Poland with 622 Mb/s links based on 
ATM technology. The network offers the access to the pan-European 
research network GÉANT, access to the worldwide Internet as well as 
advanced network services: IP multicast, IPv6 transmission, guaranteed 
bandwidth services and VPNs. Additionally POL-622 provides the broadband 
connectivity to 5 HPC/HPV centers in Poland.
PSNC operates also the Poznań Metropolitan Area Network POZMAN. POZMAN 
network has connected all universities, the Polish Academy of Sciences 
institutes as well as research and development institutes from Poznań 
(about 200 connected locations). It also integrates scientific 
activities with business and administration needs e.g. developed and 
maintains the virtual network of the City Hall. POZMAN network bases on 
own fiber cables infrastructure (under 200 km) and uses two 
technologies: ATM 622 Mb/s and Gigabit Ethernet.
Official web site:
Web site presenting our network:
and IPv6 network:

Please send me instruction how to implement mirroring mechanisms.
Please also provide me email address to DNS hostmaster, I have tried hostmaster at but such address does not exist!

Best regards,

Bartosz Gajda

Bartosz Gajda 	           | Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
mailto:gajda at| ul. Noskowskiego 10  | 61-704 Poznan, POLAND
BG1740-RIPE  tel:(+48 61)858-2017,-2015 fax:(+48 61) 8525-954 
IPv6 network! ==>>

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