New TLD mirror site

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jul 22 08:24:50 PDT 2004

I was given a heads-up that one of our current TLD mirror sites will
be cutting back on their services so we should find a replacement.

If you are currently not a TLD site (, as opposed to but feel your site would make a good TLD site
please send a message to "mirror-admin at" to say you are
interested.  It wouldn't hurt to say you're interested no matter
where you are but the final decision will be based on:

	- Non-US based site slightly preferred, the one being replaced
	  is non-US and I am still interested in having the TLD sites
	  not be US-centric as they had been in the past.

	- Full mirror, should carry everything.

	- Good network connectivity on a global basis, relatively high
	  limit on bandwidth consumption and number of user connects.

	- Sync with one of the master sites at least twice a day.

	- Existing and well established official mirror sites preferred.

The other times we have needed to do this I got several offers from
excellent sites so the final decision was difficult and was more or
less done by tossing coins... :-)  So, please do not be offended if
you say you are interested but your site is not chosen - it should not
be taken as any reflection on the quality of your site.

We'll make the decision in about a week.  Thanks.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |
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