Change in layout?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Sep 10 20:04:58 PDT 2003

I have been "asking around" to see if this is possible.  They haven't
said it's possible yet, but they haven't said it's not possible either.
So, IF it turns out this is possible do you think this would help?

  1) Move the *release* package set into the releases/ directory
     itself, instead of that being a symlink.
  2) Move the non-release package sets (e.g. packages-5-current) to
     a new directory named releases/

Using the 4.9 release as an example that means the package set that
would be placed in ports/i386/packages-4.9-release under the current
scheme would be placed in releases/i386/4.9-RELEASE/packages instead.

The reasons I thought this might help are:

  - the releases/ directory continues to be "static" stuff, with some
    clever rsync scripts or the separate cvsup collections available
    you can continue to just sync that during active release times if
    you want

  - the ports/ directory will only contain "dynamic" stuff, and only
    stuff directly related to the operations of "ports" (a tarball
    of the /usr/ports tree, plus all the distfiles)

  - the packages/ directory (new) will contain only "dynamic" stuff,
    and there will be less of it because the (static) release package
    sets will now be in the releases/ directory

This should make choosing to carry only ports stuff or only packages stuff
easier if you want to do that.

Is this worth pursuing?  They may still say no - keep in mind releases
are built by different people than the ports/packages, etc. and
coordinating it amongst all the different people during a time they're
all under stress (release time...) might not work.


						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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