
Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Sep 9 06:18:22 PDT 2003

I think it's now fully functional.  cvsupd seems to be doing the
right thing.

If you sync from ftp-master.freebsd.org using either cvsup or rsync
please check the network response time to ftp-master.us.freebsd.org to
see if your throughput is better for ftp-master.us.  A quick way to
check is just run ping and see what the time is, though there are more
elaborate ways. :-) If that check shows a better time to ftp-master.us
than you get to ftp-master.freebsd.org please give cvsup-ing/rsync-ing
from ftp-master.us a try.  We would like to offload
ftp-master.freebsd.org at least a little bit before the 4.9 release if
we can.  Since ftp-master.us is I-2 connected I'm hoping at least some
of the Universities will see a better response time from ftp-master.us
than ftp-master.freebsd.org.

As before, if you try this and find a problem please let us know.  It
might be something I can fix. :-)


						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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