4.9-RC2 is on ftp-master..

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Oct 8 12:42:22 PDT 2003

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 08:23:56AM -0700, Murray Stokely wrote:

> I don't want people to glance at a '4.9' directory along with 4.8,
> 4.7, etc.. until we actually have something called 4.9 release.
> Relying on users to actually look inside the directory and see that we
> only have RCs and not the final release is I think asking too much.

Just a thought.  If you put all of the RC ISO images in a directory
named "4.9-RC" (i.e. you create it when RC1 comes out, and put all
of the follow-up RC's in that same directory) that might be a good
compromise.  That way operators who need to do something special
just need to do it once at the beginning of the beta cycle.  And
it isn't horribly different than what's there now - they just need
to look one (fairly intuitively named) directory lower.  This also
provides more-or-less consistency.  As you say putting them in
the directory 4.9 would be bad - it would need to start off being
open and then shift over to closed when the release really comes
out and the real ISO's are placed there for staging.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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