.br.freebsd.org admin?

João Carlos Mendes Luís jonny at jonny.eng.br
Wed Nov 26 05:47:15 PST 2003


     It's still Pedro Vazquez, whom I am CCing now.  If I know him well, you 
have been removed after some problem on accessing your network and/or an email 
without answer.

     Let discuss this in private to find more details about the problem.

Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> Who's responsible for .br.freebsd.org these days? I noticed yesterday 
> that I don't have cvsup4 with me anymore, and I'd like to know why (so 
> that I can take whatever measures are necessary so it won't happen 
> again) and, of course, to get a cvsup for me again.



João Carlos Mendes Luís - Networking Engineer - jonny at jonny.eng.br

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