Site lists in the Handbook

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Sat Nov 15 13:13:41 PST 2003

I have been making a few minor tweaks to the site listing in the
Handbook based on the feedback I got to the site information I asked
for as well as a few other things.  The biggest changes are:

	1)Cvsup sites no longer have a "site maintainer" email address
	  in the Handbook, though I am still keeping records of the
	  sites privately.  This seemed like a bigger spam generator
	  than anything else and I got what amounts to approval (nobody
	  complained *loudly*) from the developer community.

	2)The ftp sites now have a list of access methods beside their
	  name.  Most are just "ftp" at the moment.

I would like to use that second change to be the indication that a
site offers rsync access, and remove the listing of rsync sites in the
rsync section of the Handbook.  Instead of the list of sites there
I'll replace it with a very short tutorial about manually using rsync
to ask an rsync server what modules it offers (which if combined with
the FTP mirror site listing having (2) seems more useful).  Does
anyone see a problem with that?

You might want to take a look at:

to make sure I got things right for your site.  If I didn't get it
right (or, worse, I managed to miss your site completely somehow) let
me know off-list please and I'll fix it asap.

I'll also be adding in an extra tag to the FTP sites soon to indicate
the ones that are IPv6 reachable.  I don't think I need to ask you
folks to tell me one way or another if your site is, I should be
able to get it from DNS. :-)


						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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