Fwd: Where is the ports collection of FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE?

Oliver Fromme olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Sat Nov 1 16:03:22 PST 2003

Murray Stokely wrote:
 > On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 09:46:20PM +0900, Jun Kuriyama wrote:
 > > > servers. So I'm forwarding this question to freebsd-hubs at freebsd.org.
 > > > Could someone explain following issue?
 > > 
 > > Hmm, it's strange.  Is this release binary built with NOPORTS=yes?
 > Definitely not.  The ISO images are from the same release build and
 > they have the ports directory.  I'm really stumped, so I copied over
 > the ports dir from the CDROM staging directory onto the FTP directory
 > on ftp-master.  It will be on the FTP sites soon.

What about alpha/4.9-RELEASE?  It's missing the ports, too.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
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is not necessarily a good idea.  It is hard to be sure where
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