DNS - Summary?

Jun Kuriyama kuriyama at imgsrc.co.jp
Thu Jun 26 19:11:57 PDT 2003

At Thu, 26 Jun 2003 21:27:04 -0400,
Ken Smith wrote:
> That also explains why you thought the site admin contacts and PGP
> list thing was a good idea.  I was afraid of it because I thought
> it meant dnsadm@ had to keep the table for every site.  If we break
> it up this way they probably don't - they only need to communicate
> with any site in the TLD and the people who have taken responsibility
> for a delegated zone.  Much smaller list to deal with.  The zone
> admins will need to keep their own lists but those also should be
> managable.

I don't think every country should should maintain their CC domain
space.  If that country requires to maintain too much sites,
delegation seems good way.  But if they has only one ftp and one cvsup
mirrors, passing this to dnsadm at FreeBSD.org would reduce unstability
of our DNS (just IMHO).

We need to update mirror site listing of the Handbook and need to know
that change request is authorized or not.  To achieve this, at least
CC DNS operator's PGP key list is required.

And, as described (4) in your mail, we need to maintain
{ftp,cvsup,www}*.FreeBSD.org name list to point somewhere.  Change
request of that information should be signed, shouldn't be?

Jun Kuriyama <kuriyama at imgsrc.co.jp> // IMG SRC, Inc.
             <kuriyama at FreeBSD.org> // FreeBSD Project

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