DRAFT - DNS Admin Guide

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Jun 25 07:09:36 PDT 2003

On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 10:10:18AM +0200, Daniel Lang wrote:

> Strong leadership is a different issue...

And potentially changing over time.  Strong leadership may come and go.

> Hmm strange, I thought Croatia has '.hr' and '.il' is Israel?
> Is it really the case, that the croatian server wants to join 
> the "il" region? This seems to be a very strange edge case...

Lets just say it shouldn't be me assigning country codes - I don't
know them very well.  Yes, it is most likely .hr.

> If the subdomain does
> not exist, but the mirror admin in Croatia can not administer
> the zone, I would say, it's bad luck.

This is one of the questions that needs to be answered.  How many would
this hurt versus how many would it help?  My guess was it hurts more
than it helps.

> Don't forget the obstacles you have to cope with, if you want to
> change the running system. I can imagine people feel stepped on
> their toes, if you want to take away the responsibility they
> currenty have. Of course this should not be an issue, if there
> are good reasons to change, but it should be considered.

If the delegations currently in place are not hurting they would
not need to be broken down.  But moving forward from here the "new"
focus on function (WWW/cvsup/ftp) being the primary organization
and the DNS layout not as focused on country codes is what decisions
get made by.

Under this scheme all requests for updates go to dmsadm@ no matter
what thing(s) it is they are requesting.  If delegation is in place
for it then the dnsadm@ folks handle bumping it to the right person(s)
(or if the mail volume on dnsadm@ isn't really all that high everyone
involved in any DNS changes can get the messages and would know which
piece they are handling).

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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