DRAFT - DNS Admin Guide

Jun Kuriyama kuriyama at imgsrc.co.jp
Tue Jun 24 17:54:11 PDT 2003

# Though writing guideline is good thing, but we are not reached to
# write such a long article.  We are at discussion stage which needs
# more simple text...

At Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:33:37 -0400,
Ken Smith wrote:
> There are several more or less distinct groups whose function at least
> partially involves DNS.  The groups are:
> 	1) WWW site administrators
> 	2) cvsup site administrators
> 	3) FTP mirror site administrators
> 	4) email system administrators (support for @freebsd.org email)
> 	5) operations support administrators (provide machine(s) for
> 	   release builds, ports builds, etc).

In discussion at hubs@, we should concentrate (1), (2) and (3).  (4)
and (5) are operated in other area.

> Proposed Layout
> ---------------
> We propose identifying one [ed: two?] person who is the "Coordinator"
> of each group listed above.  By default this will be the only person
> who can request DNS updates.  To make things simpler for the dnsadm@
> staff there will be no explicit rules on what sorts of updates any
> individual Coordinator is allowed to request - it will be assumed each
> Coordinator knows enough about DNS to make only the requests
> appropriate to their group's needs and can be trusted to not act
> maliciously.  These Coordinators may appoint other people who are
> allowed to request DNS changes but should do so conservatively.
> Keeping things simple is important.  For example if the Mirror System
> is so large that the Mirror Site Coordinator feels the need to
> delegate administration of European sites s/he can request a second
> person be allowed to request DNS changes.  Again, unless it becomes
> necessary, no explicit rules will be set for who is allowed to request
> specific types of changes under the assumption the people granted
> permission to make update requests know what they are doing.
> [ed: I can't decide if requiring PGP signatures is overkill...]
> People identified as Coordinators need to have usernames in
> freebsd.org.  Messages requesting changes should be PGP signed and, if
> possible, from their @freebsd.org email address.  Messages requesting
> updates should be sent to "dnsadm at freebsd.org", no matter what piece
> of the FreeBSD namespace the update is being requested for (see below).

I like Kris's suggestion, but I don't think we need a bottle neck such
as coordinator as above.

The idea in my mind is to create "name vs email" table to identify
who is authoritative of this DNS name.  Like:

ftp-master.FreeBSD.org		peter at FreeBSD.org
				kuriyama at FreeBSD.org
cvsup-master.FreeBSD.org	kuriyama at FreeBSD.org
ftp.FreeBSD.org			foo at example.net
				bar at example.com
ftp2.FreeBSD.org		blah at example.org

and, create a collection of PGP public keys of above contactee.

If we can prepare this table, dnsadm@ can easily identify the signed
request is authorized or not.

Ah yes, we need a coordinator to collect these information with secure
and authorized way...

Jun Kuriyama <kuriyama at imgsrc.co.jp> // IMG SRC, Inc.

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