RFC - extra sync functionality...

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at dhcp01.pn.xcllnt.net
Fri Jun 13 11:41:17 PDT 2003

On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 10:14:21AM -0400, Ken Smith wrote:
> We would probably recommend (or implement in this some sort of force
> mechanism...) running a real transfer pass once a week or so "just
> because" in case someone(s) don't quite play nice with the serial
> number generation and update content by mistake.

If the transfers are more costly than ftp-master doing some checkums,
you can also check if zones are changed without having a new serial
number by attaching a md5 checkum to the zone. The checksum can be
create with something like:
	ZONEMD5=`tar cf - $ZONEDIR | md5`

You can validate checksums with a cron job and we can even bump the
serial automaticly if the checksums don't match (provided there was
a serial).

> Is this a good idea?  Is it worth seeing if existing practice on ftp-master
> can be changed?

By all means. I think the biggest win is having some synchronisation
between someone doing an upload and the "system" doing the mirroring.

 Marcel Moolenaar	  USPA: A-39004		 marcel at xcllnt.net

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