The recent thread...

Murray Stokely murray at
Thu Jun 12 13:08:27 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 04:02:09PM -0400, Ken Smith wrote:
> I've been told there isn't really a "Mirror Coordinator" job and it's
> not clear to me who would decide whether or not there should be one
> (and then, naturally, appoint one... :-/).  So far Jun is the closest

Almost all "titles" in the FreeBSD Project are earned first and
announced later.  It's very rare that someone would be appointed to a
given position before they are already handling the given
responsibilities.  It's just the way the culture around here has
evolved over the past 10 years.

> I'll aim towards being able to do what you folks want and see where
> it goes.

Great.  So, by all means, coordinate, draft proposals, and send them
here for discussion.  Don't let the lack of an official sanction stop
you.  Please work with Jun the most, because as you say, he's the
closest we have to the desired role, and he's the only person's shoes
you could possibly step on.

	- Murray

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