The recent thread...

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jun 12 11:02:46 PDT 2003

Just so you know...

I think I've figured out "generally how things work" (with lots of help
from Jun) and how to approach trying to make something happen.

For now I'd like to learn how to crawl before I attempt walking.
I'll be drafting a "Please handle releases <this> way" we can
pass on to the RE folks now that there is interest in having
a more formal and "staged" release.  When the draft is ready I'll
post it here for comments, ammend it as needed, and then we can
try to pass it on to re@ for them to chew on.

I'm not sure if it's something that should be done but seeing if
the mirror system does handle the staged releases properly (meaning
the -RELEASE stuff doesn't become publically downloadable from
anywhere before the Release Date) should probably be thought about.
This latest release was the first time that was a concern at all
that I'm aware of.  If any of you have doubts/questions/etc. and
want someone to ask about it feel free to ask me.  If I don't know
the answer I don't mind trying to find the answer.

I do have some ideas about how other things might be handled better,
push mechanisms, etc. and I'd like to get to them at some point later
if that's OK.  Basically I want to try and get something *relatively*
easy done first, then move on to something that is harder...
Hopefully by that time I'll know more about the existing FreeBSD
administrative structure and maybe they'll have been hearing enough
from me that they're confident I'm not Bill Gates... :-)

If anyone sees anything wrong with this let me know...

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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