Traffic stats for 5.1-RELEASE yesterday? (and a rant)

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at
Tue Jun 10 17:44:33 PDT 2003

So from a mildly curious perspective on my part, what were the traffic 
impacts from yesterday's 5.1-RELEASE event on (at least the Tier-1 mirrors)?

From our end we reached a sustained peak of ~150-170MB/sec for just over 
three hours mid-day yesterday (Pacific) before slowly tapering off (Mmmm, /. 
effect) Hope everyone involved loved slurping their ISO's :)

BTW, we replaced the GigE card on the system from a Netgear to a Intel Sunday 
night.  Worked like a charm.

One thing that's been bothering me ever since I started looking at the xfer 
logs (always a bad idea) ;)  is seeing the number of mirror sites that slurp 
from us because... well, because we are  I see site after 
site banging away at us with mirror software from across the oceans (and 
some big sites back on the US East Coast) where I know network wise, they 
have other Tier-1 mirrors closer than to us (or to  So, I 
am tempted to add this to my "too many users" message.

Also, for all mirrors not mirroring directly from the master
repository - Please choose a different host to mirror from.  Look
at the URL provided above, and note that all Tier 1 mirrors have
exactly the same access to the master repository as
There is no reason to stress trans-continental (or trans-oceanic)
links just to say that you sync up with, when you
might have a Tier 1 mirror located right next door that has the
same access to the master repository and likely has a faster
transfer rate to you.

It's for your own good - really ;-)

Not that I suspect those automated mirror scripts will read/care, but it 
makes me feel better... :)

Peter_Losher at | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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