[FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD 5.1 Released!

jason andrade jason at rtfmconsult.com
Tue Jun 10 16:08:28 PDT 2003

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Ken Smith wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 03:48:46PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> > How about some kind of a "push model"?
> One disadvantage other than the design/implementation work is load
> on the source.  Isn't ftp-master suffering a little bit even now?
> What happens if all of the first-tier servers are told to do updates
> at the same time?

this is the advantage of the ssh sync model.  e.g like the debian
archive, the 'master' has a delay built in as it syncs each site.

it is just enough of a delay that it minimizes (not avoids) the
initial startup mirror cost for each mirror.

> The cron job based updates at least have the advantage of "naturally"
> spreading the load on ftp-master out over time a little bit I would
> think.  My cron jobs running in the wee hours of the morning run at
> a different time than the cron jobs running in the wee hours of the
> morning in Australia.  :-)

actually it isn't that cut and dried anymore :-/

this indeed used to be the case, but given that 50% of our requests
for freebsd data come from outside australia now, we find that we're
running 24/7 at high bandwidth rates so some jobs are not scheduled
in 'off peak' hours (for us)  anymore.. as we don't have any left.



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