Mirror Site Requirements - Summary thus far...

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jul 17 06:45:29 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 10:42:57PM +1000, jason andrade wrote:

> it is a lot of very small files which are very rarely looked at
> by http/ftp users - so why are we carrying them any more since
> this stuff is made available via cvs/cvsup ?

If anyone else has more information about this stuff than I do feel
totally free to do whatever.  This message isn't meant to discourage
anyone from poking around if you're so inclined.

But just so you know, I had noted this as one of Jesper's two pet
peeves (the other one being all the *&^()-ing mirror sites that
use ftp.freebsd.org as their upstream site :-).  I did what I can
to address that second pet peeve a week or two ago when I learned
how to deal with documentation updates and did a first pass at
updating the Mirroring article (it now explicitly says all over
the place not to mirror from ftp.freebsd.org :-).  The question
about the branches/ tree I was waiting for access to ftp-master
so I could start to track down who it is that generates it and
start asking questions in that direction (hopefully whoever it
is that generates it would have some idea of who it is they are
generating it for :-).

It turns out the files are owned by "archive" so it's going to be
harder to track this down than I was hoping but it's at least on
my radar if nobody else has any ideas on what to do about this.
If someone else is in a better position to poke around feel free.

I was sort of wondering if the naming in the branches/ directory
was done as some sort of cruel joke/test to see if you were
"qualified" to see the most recent stuff.  Try doing "cd -current"
from inside of the branches/ directory.  [ And yes, I know what
to do about it, though it's more challenging than my default first
solution which would be "cd - -current"... :-].

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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