New Site in the TLD (replacing

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Jul 15 07:25:02 PDT 2003

I think I'm ready to deal with the disappearance of
now.  It stopped carrying FreeBSD a while ago and at the time we just
shifted it to point at the ISC site.

We decided to start using for sites in the United
States and the TLD will be the "best" of the sites regardless of
where they are.  We're not ready to create yet but
we did get started on the infrastructure for that.

My thought was that we would try to make sure that only Tier-1 sites
land in the TLD.  That way during releases re@ could tell the beta
testers (people interested in the "pre-Release Builds") that they
would be best off checking sites in the TLD first, but when it comes
to the full-blown release the Release Announcement would not make that
sort of distinction.

So, if that's acceptable to everyone the criteria for sites in the
TLD would be something along the lines of:

	- Tier-1 site, bits posted to ftp-master wind up copied to
	  this site within a day, two days max
	- Allow reasonably large number of concurrent anonymous connects
	- Good network connectivity on a global scale (e.g. not at the
	  end of a "small pipe" leading into their country and a "fat
	  pipe" inside their country - both pipes should be fat :-).

If you would like to nominate a site please send a message to me.  I want
to apologize in advance in case there are multiple nominations.  By the
nature of this the decision will wind up based somewhat on the various
sites' "qualifications".  But in the end there may be several sites all
equally qualified and I'm gonna wind up flipping coins or something along
those lines...  Please don't be offended if you nominate your site and
a different one gets chosen.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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