cvsupd : TreeComp failed: Network write failure: Connection closed

John Polstra jdp at
Sun Jul 13 11:17:54 PDT 2003

In article <3F0EABA5.18694.1A30CE3E at localhost>,
Dan Langille <dan at> wrote:
> I am seeing this message frequently in /var/log/cvsupd.log on 
> but I don't know what it causing it:
> Jun 14 00:10:10 cvsup cvsupd[60286]: +801 user at 
> [SNAP_16_1e/17.0]
> Jun 14 00:24:44 cvsup cvsupd[60286]: =801 [2968Kin+1243Kout] src-
> all/cvs
> cvsup cvsupd[60286]: -801 [2968Kin+1243Kout] TreeComp failed: Network 
> write failure: Connection closed
> It does not occur on all client connections, but regularly enough for 
> me to be concerned.  Any ideas?

If the user kills his cvsup run, either with the GUI's "stop" button
or with ^C, this is often what you'll see in the server logs.

I have also seen this when there are network problems.  It can
sometimes be fixed on the client side by lowering the MTU.  I have
seen it especially often in Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia.
I think it has something to do with lame DSL ISPs who think it's OK to
break path MTU discovery by filtering ICMP messages.

  John Polstra
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Two buttocks cannot avoid friction."                     -- Malawi saying

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