article.sgml - Formalize Requirements?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Jul 9 18:03:03 PDT 2003

Here is the first pass at Official Mirror Site requirements.  You can
send thoughts to the list or straight to me, whichever you feel is
more appropriate based on what you want to say.  If you don't understand
why someone(s) asked about any of these let me know, I can at least
provide what the person(s) mentioned.

First, it was proposed we create a new email list (mirror-announce@
maybe?) that all mirror sites are required to be on and is private to
just the mirror sites.  The hubs@ list would continue to be a public
discussion list.

Requirements of all Mirror Sites

1) Different user for sync jobs than anonymous FTP (and, if HTTP
   access is available, httpd)
2) Mechanism used for sync preserves (and can change later) file
3) Site Admin on mirror-announce@ list.
4) Directory archive sits in is /pub/FreeBSD.

Requirements of Tier-1 Mirror Sites

1) Sync from an ftp-master* site at least twice a day.
2) Site admin on hubs@ as well as mirror-announce at .
3) Carry everything.
4) IF this site allows sync's from Tier-2 sites then:
	- Admin checks with mirror-admin@ or otherwise checks to make
	  sure down-stream site really is an Official Mirror Site
	- Access by down-stream site done by mechanism that will
	  preserve permissions on down-stream site, (e.g. cvsupd or
	  rsyncd, NOT anonymous ftp).

Requirements of Tier-2 Mirror Sites

1) Sync from an ftp-master* site or a Tier-1 site, preferrably a
2) Minimally carry one of the following for at least one architecture:
	- ISO images for latest release.
	- Install tree required for an FTP-based install (which
	  includes the bits in releases/ and the bits in ports/ that
	  has the packages for that release)

Any thoughts?

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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