Get things into place (formally)

Daniel Lang dl at
Wed Jul 2 12:37:44 PDT 2003


Erik Gault wrote on Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 02:27:55PM -0400:
> I wonder how many votes we'll feel are needed =).  I'll vote for Ken...

I guess you didn't mean that that serious .-), but
still, here's a serious answer. Sorry for that. %-}

It's probably no matter of number of votes. Either our time frame
is exceeded, or no more votes or nominations are placed.
Then it should be easy to see if there is a clear result
for a nominee or if the result may be questionable.

In the unlikely event of a doubtful result, we can discuss
the matter again, do a strict count or second ballot.

I hope we can avoid the bikeshed. :-)))

Best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock  
   - In dieser Mail ist ein Geist, der Dich in den Hintern beisst - 
 Daniel Lang * dl at * +49 89 289 18532 *
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