need to update ns records

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Jul 2 07:57:59 PDT 2003

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:02:54AM +0000, Olafur Osvaldsson wrote:

> Valentin,
> Send an email to dnsadm at

Just FYI...

The latest proposal for the DNS guide generated one editing change to
word something better (thanks!) but nothing else.  My first attempt,
which people didn't like, generated lots of discussion so we're guessing
silence means this one was acceptable.  I don't know any other way to
handle it. :-/

So Jun approved it and the default answer to this changes as a result.
DNS issues related to the Mirror System that appear here will be
handled by the Mirror Site Coordinator who sees them as they arrive
here.  Same for offers to become Mirror Sites, issues with zones not
functioning quite right, etc.

Thanks to everyone who helped create a proposal that was apparently
acceptable by arguing with me so I could learn what it was that you
cared about.  I wasn't particularly happy with doing that and I think
I've learned other ways to handle you folks teaching me what I need
to learn (in a nutshell learn who it is that seems to be in a position
to fill me in on what I'm missing based on their first responses but
then ask them if they'd mind answering my questions off-list,
summarizing what I learn on-list so they get a chance to make sure
I learned what I should have).  So hopefully as we move forward we
can do this sort of thing better.  This only works if you voice your
opinions when you don't like something that gets proposed and doing
it on-list is fine.  If it's me that keeps coordinating the proposals
though I'll just try to do some of the more involved back-and-forth
questions/answer sessions privately with someone who seems to have
a bigger clue than I do as long as I can find someone(s) willing to
help me with that.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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