Amount of stuff to upload

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Jul 1 15:50:25 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 07:26:52PM +0200, Rudolf Cejka wrote:

> Maybe a better thing would be to say some data limit - 500 MB a day
> or so, which would not hurt mirrors' updating "responsivity". ...

That's the most logical thing to ask them to limit but I'm not sure
if it's practical because of the way stuff on ftp-master gets added.
Different people seem to do it.  And it's not simple to figure out
how much has changed - "df" won't reflect needing to transfer lots
of stuff because an entire package set got updated so the different
people involved would need to compare notes on what they've changed.

> Until there is some feedback, so that people on ftp-master can check
> distribution state themselves :o)


> Does anybody know, which mirrors are Tier-1 and which are Tier-2? :o)))

Well, I now know what all of the FTP sites are.  There are a total of
48 country-code-based zones four of which are not functioning properly.
I've got a list of all ftp* sites currently defined in
DNS for each of those zones.  I'm hoping to turn that into something
more than just the list of machines through the next  couple of weeks.

> This is any other reason for my proposals - I think, that nobody knows,
> which mirrors are Tier-[12], and what Tier-[12] mirrors really should
> be and should do/offer.

It appears that you're correct on that.  If you folks don't mind me
pestering you individually as I work my way through that list I can
gather up contact info, what each site's up-stream site is, etc.  If
we can assemble that list and then if people who are able to make
changes that would effect the list report those changes as they happen
we'd be in good shape. :-)

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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