Amount of stuff to upload

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Jul 1 04:57:23 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:52:51AM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:

> Uhm, maybe I'm missing the point here, but what exactly is
> the problem with the package trees?  I usually mirror a new
> package tree at once (using FTP, not CVSup), and it only
> takes a few hours.

My initial answer to re@ about this was that I didn't think there
would be concensus on the answer but I'd ask.  I think peoples'
experiences/pain/etc. with the packages varies which is why I
thought the answers will vary.

For what it's worth if there is a large-ish package update the
transfer of the ports/ section takes my system anywhere from
six to ten hours and that's an rsync from here to ftp12 (UIUC,
I haven't verified it but that should be I-2...).

For now think in the context of prepping for a release, because
I think day-to-day stuff is a bit different (if you want we can
work on trying to get that adjusted later as a separate thing,
I don't know if it's as big a problem yet).

Would you agree that everything they could post except for what is in
the ports tree as they prep for a release (and as Betas/RCs are
posted) is stuff they don't need to pay any special attention to, and
that it's only the stuff in the ports/ area that tends to choke
things?  They would like the Betas/RCs to get as widely distributed as
possible within 2 to 3 days.  Is that possible as long as it doesn't
involve ports/ updates?

I asked if they handle the announcements about the Betas/RCs in a less
public forum than announce at .  IMO it might not hurt to admit to that
group a tiering structure and tell them what the Tier-1 servers are.
Personally I think it might be best to not acknowledge this tiering
structure to a wide audience so they make their decisions on what
sites to get stuff from based on other things ("closeness").

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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