Amount of stuff to upload

Daniel Lang dl at
Tue Jul 1 00:31:05 PDT 2003


Ken Smith wrote on Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 01:32:47AM -0400:
> The re@ folks have begun to look at the Draft Release Guide and had a
> few questions.  One was whether it's better to have fewer large uploads
> or more smaller uploads.  Any thoughts?

Depends on the interval between the uploads, we are talking about.

I would say, more smaller uploads are better. The worst thing
to sync are always the package trees. They seem to take ages,
and this is always a big chunk. Releases and ISOs are harmless.

I have no clue how to split up the package trees, though....
Maybe by letter and have them synced in a few consecutive days?
Like: first day packages starting with a-g, 2nd h-m, etc.
Of course the letters should be chosen to match the distribution
of packages, to have sets of roughly equal size.
It should not take longer than 5 days, I'd say.

Best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock         - ceterum censeo Microsoftinem esse delendam -  
 Daniel Lang * dl at * +49 89 289 18532 *
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