Why aren't the 5.2-RC1 bits being mirrored?

Jesper Skriver jesper at skriver.dk
Wed Dec 10 13:17:01 PST 2003

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 04:09:38PM -0500, Ken Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 01:35:43PM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
> > The i386 5.2-RC1 bits have been on ftp-master for several days, but I
> > do'not see them on either of the ftp.freebsd.org machines.  Is there any
> > reason why they are not getting mirrored out?
> There are TreeComp failed messages in the cvsupd log for beastie so
> it's having a problem with something - not sure what.  The ISC site
> seems to have the bits now, I'm not sure when it picked them up.

beastie ran into the maximum number of files to be deleted in one go,
I'm running it manually now without any limitation.

> ftp-master had its base OS upgraded about 2 days ago but I'm not
> seeing widespread failures in the logs so I don't *think* that's
> the problem.  But if anyone is seeing issues with ftp-master that
> started recently let me know please.


Jesper Skriver, jesper(at)skriver(dot)dk  -  CCIE #5456

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