HEADS UP! Watch out for security on your machines and exploits!

Peter Wemm peter at wemm.org
Wed Dec 3 15:48:51 PST 2003

There's definately a targeting of open source projects and infrastructure
machines going on.  Another linux mirror has been compromised.  There's
worrying developments on savannah.gnu.org, etc.  

Please take EXTRA care to watch your mirrors for 'funny stuff' and make damn
sure that you're fully up todate with patches.

Being a cvsup*/ftp*/etc mirror means that you're going to be scanned and
probed.  Especially now.

Peter Wemm - peter at wemm.org; peter at FreeBSD.org; peter at yahoo-inc.com
"All of this is for nothing if we don't go to the stars" - JMS/B5

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