Mirroring in .br

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at tcoip.com.br
Tue Dec 2 04:06:41 PST 2003

People, I'm moving my mirror to a new machine, where I'll be able to 
keep a full mirror. Presently I rsync and cvsup from The Masters, but 
I'm considering going for exclusive cvsup use (how do the packages fare, 
rsync vs cvsup?).

I'm also considering cvsupping closer to home. Are there any full 
mirrors around I can sync with?

Daniel C. Sobral
Gerência de Operações
Divisão de Comunicação de Dados
Coordenação de Segurança
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail:	Daniel.Capo at tco.net.br
	Daniel.Sobral at tcoip.com.br
	dcs at tcoip.com.br

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