Requirements Final Draft Attempt #2 :-/

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at
Mon Aug 11 06:25:13 PDT 2003

João Carlos Mendes Luís wrote:
>     The discussion about ftp holes and links reminded me about other 
> possible problem: Some ftp DNS names may point to multiple IP Addresses 
> (I've seen this already, but do not know if it's valid), and some 
> multiple DNS names could point to the same IP ( and 
> example).  Your program is surely the best place to check for this, and 
> probably list same IPs only once.

It was done this way in to increase reliability of the 
sites. It seems mirrors here disappear as fast as they appear. :-)

I must say I prefer the idea of duplicating IPs to deal with this problem.

Alas, it doesn't look like this is still done for ftp (though it's still 
done for www and cvsup).

Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail: Daniel.Capo at
         Daniel.Sobral at
         dcs at

	dcs at
	dcs at
	capo at

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Could fuck you in ways quite adroit.
	She could squeeze her vagina
	To a pin-point or finer
Or open it out like a quoit.

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