Requirements Final Draft Attempt #2 :-/

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Sat Aug 9 10:48:23 PDT 2003

On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 07:18:48PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:

[ Very nice work! :-]

> However, it seems that there is no "official" requirement to
> avoid gaps in the list.  But that's not a big problem.

This seems true - my DNS scan done earlier had gaps too.

> I changed the script to try two more times, so it can jump
> over (small) gaps, at the expense of a few more DNS lookups.
> I re-ran the collector, and now is in the list, among
> 45 other hosts that were missing before.  :)
> Another possibility would be to try a zone transfer first,
> and if that fails, fall back to the existing algorithm.
> But I'm not sure if it is worth it.

I settled on iterating up to 20 and stopping there for what I did,
which was strictly to generate a text-based list I could start with
for mapping out the sites.  I didn't do anything even slightly as
nice as this.

I did notice one spot your algorithm will have problems.  The
Hong Kong zone is, I think, using a wildcard for ftp sites.  DNS
queries all the way up to 20 came back with an answer and almost
all of them were the same site.  That was the only CC based zone
that seemed to work that way - the rest were more like what you

I can provide you with a slightly larger list of CC based zones if
you want to hardcode the existing list.  Or I can provide you with
what I used to "seed" my DNS scan with.  Basically I took the list
if IANA defined country codes and first probed to see if anything
was defined for those.  My probe threw out the ones that the result
of "host -t any ${cc}" returned an error code for and
it then probed for ftp sites inside the remaining list.

I can provide you with the list of CC's designated by IANA or I can
give you the current list of CC-based zones in, or both.
Whatever would be most useful. :-)

Thanks a lot, this is great.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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