Requirements Final Draft Attempt #2 :-/

Oliver Fromme olli at
Fri Aug 8 16:27:16 PDT 2003

João Carlos Mendes Luís wrote:
 > Oliver Fromme wrote:
 > > [...]
 > > All of that might sound complicated, but it really isn't
 > > that bad.  The collector can be a small shell script using
 > > /usr/bin/fetch or automated ncftp.  The extension to
 > > sysinstall shouldn't be too difficult either.  I would be
 > > willing to work on the collector thing at least, and maybe
 > > also on the sysinstall part (if time permits).
 > You should not need to get the files, only list them.

Correct, that's what I meant.

 > Wouldn't this be much easier in perl?

I do not like perl, but that task is indeed a bit heavy for
a shell script.

When I had a few minutes of free time, I coded a rough draft
of such a script.  I took the liberty to write it in Python.

It doesn't do any DNS zone transfers, so it is not affected
by reluctant DNS servers.  Instead, the list of CC subdomains
is hardcoded.  For each subdomain, it starts at ftp.$DOMAIN,
ftp1.$DOMAIN and increases the number until a host cannot be
resolved.  That seems to be a better approach than relying
on zone transfers.

The script produces ASCII output in a very simple format.
It could easily be fed into a database (maybe I'll try it
with PostgreSQL when I have a few more minutes of free time).

I also wrote a web page which reads that ASCII file and
presents the data in HTML tables.  It doesn't look very
pretty (I'm a programmer, not an artist), but serves well
as a rough draft and proof-of-concept.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

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