Ok, all i386 ISOs are now available..

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at tcoip.com.br
Wed Apr 2 07:02:33 PST 2003

Murray Stokely wrote:
> Please let me know when your server has all of the bits.  I will
> include the first few sites in the announce message as usual.
> Thanks for your continued support!

I'm curious. How many iso images there are, after all? I'm suspicious of 
the size of my i386 disk2.

Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail: Daniel.Capo at tco.net.br
         Daniel.Sobral at tcoip.com.br
         dcs at tcoip.com.br

	dcs at newsguy.com
	dcs at freebsd.org
	capo at notorious.bsdconspiracy.net

You can't judge a book by the way it wears its hair.

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