Does anybody have experience with a MD1420, mpr(4)
Lee Brown
leeb at
Sun Jan 7 02:40:49 UTC 2018
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Lee Brown <leeb at> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 6:28 AM, Kenneth D. Merry <ken at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 12:24:47 -0800, Lee Brown wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > This is my for foray into DAS, so please be gentle :) Apologies if the
>> > cross-post is inappropriate, let me know.
>> >
>> > I'm looking to build a SAS array with a Dell MD1420. It will be
>> attached
>> > via a SAS 9300-414E HBA in a Dell R330.
>> >
>> > I've verified that the server / SAS card should be fine, but just
>> wanted to
>> > know if anybody has set this up before, or if there's any obvious reason
>> > why it wouldn't work. Dell can be a bit weird sometimes.
>> >
>> > Any information is most welcome.
>> In theory it should be fine. I haven't used a Dell enclosure recently,
>> but
>> from posts here, it seems that they like to turn on Type 2 Protection
>> Information on the drives. (Assuming you buy the drives from Dell.)
>> If they do that, you can either reformat, or see the patch here for the
>> mpr(4) driver to disable using protection information:
>> ve/2017/freebsd-scsi/20171022.freebsd-scsi
>> I haven't gotten around to changing things so that we detect the PI in the
>> da(4) driver and use 32 byte CDBs when type 2 protection is enabled. (So
>> if someone else has time and wants to do it, feel free. It will be
>> somewhat messy because we only allocate enough space for 16 byte CDBs
>> inside
>> the CCB, so you'll need to allocate the CDB separately...)
>> If you use ZFS, you'll have checksum protection on your data anyway, so PI
>> would just be additional protection.
>> I would also suggest that you update to the latest firmware (currently
>> Phase 15) for the SAS controller. You can do that with LSI's sas3flash or
>> the FreeBSD mprutil(8) utility.
>> Ken
>> --
>> Kenneth Merry
>> ken at FreeBSD.ORG
> Thanks Ken,
> I'm going to purchase the system. I had no idea about PI, that's a nice
> feature for sure.
> This will probably just be iSCSI and NFS4 over a 10Gb NIC (Xen cluster),
> so having PI detection is certainly of interest to me. I'll figure out
> what I can do to contribute (code/testing) when things have settled.
> Assuming all is well I'll get the 1420 added to the hardware compatibility
> list.
> Much appreciated -- lee
Following up, I have the MD1420 installed and attached. The kernel patch
works as expected, errors with the flag set to zero, no errors when set to
First problem I am having is saving firmware from the card to local storage:
root at svr-nas-rl:~ # mprutil flash save firmware
mprutil: Fail to save firmware
Second problem is performance, 20MB/s sequential write to a single spindle,
200MB/s read. I was expecting at least 100MB/s for the write, maybe my
expectations were wrong?
root at svr-nas-rl:~ # cp /dev/zero /dev/da0
dT: 1.058s w: 1.000s
L(q) ops/s r/s kBps ms/r w/s kBps ms/w %busy Name
1 158 0 0 0.0 158 20206 6.3 99.8| da0
root at svr-nas-rl:~ # cp /dev/da0 /dev/null
dT: 1.001s w: 1.000s
L(q) ops/s r/s kBps ms/r w/s kBps ms/w %busy Name
1 1587 1587 203171 0.6 0 0 0.0 99.4| da0
root at svr-nas-rl:~ # mprutil show adapter
mpr0 Adapter:
Board Name: SAS9300-4i4e
Board Assembly: H3-25515-00G
Chip Name: LSISAS3008
Chip Revision: ALL
BIOS Revision:
Firmware Revision:
Integrated RAID: no
root at svr-nas-rl:~ # geom disk list da0
Geom name: da0
1. Name: da0
Mediasize: 300000000000 (279G)
Sectorsize: 512
Mode: r0w0e0
descr: SEAGATE ST300MM0078
lunid: 5000c500a0f3f977
ident: W0K1BE3R
rotationrate: 10000
fwsectors: 63
fwheads: 255
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