8.x and Modems

John Baldwin jhb at freebsd.org
Tue Mar 29 12:38:14 UTC 2011

On Monday, March 28, 2011 11:20:05 pm Steven Nikkel wrote:
> I upped to DELAY(2) in pnp_get_resource_info and left everything else as 
> what it was originally, modem was detected properly.

Hmm, ok.  I'll change the DELAY to 10.

> Curiously the uart driver now reports a different port type:
> uart5: <16550 or compatible> at port 0x3e8-0x3ef irq 5 pnpid USR0011 on 
> isa0
> uart5: [FILTER]
> uart5: fast interrupt
> I'm still testing the modem, I'm only using a very limit set of its 
> functionality. It doesn't function like it did in 4.x, so I'm having to 
> access it differently, but its similar behaviour.


John Baldwin

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