Add more HDDs to system based on ICH10R: PICe SATA controller vs SATA port muiltiplier

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Wed May 12 17:37:29 UTC 2010

Hello, Freebsd-hardware.

   I  have hjome storage server, which is equipped with 6 HDDs (one with
system and five for geom_raid5 in SuperMicro SATA hot-swap cage).
 I need add more HDDs :)

   What is better: PICe SATA controller or SATA port multiplier?

   Is here SATA port multipliers for internal installation?

   Which  PCIe  controllers  (pure  controllers,  I  don't  want  to pay
 additional  money for soft-RAID and I don't have budget for true SATA
 RAID) works best with FreeBSD?

   Maybe,  here  is good-but-not-too-expensive hotswap cages with port
 multipliers   (my   one  have  5  SATA  connectors on backplane for 5

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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