Open Graphics Project is now taking pre-orders
freebsd at
Tue May 20 18:29:15 UTC 2008
The Open Graphics Project is now taking pre-orders for
the OGD1 development board. This PCI-X board has 2 FPGA chips
and video outputs (2 heads). List price is $1500, the
first 100 orders get a $100 discount. There are developer
discounts available, so someone writing a BSD device driver,
or working on X11 support, etc. could get a board for $700-1000.
There is a variety of development work that needs to be done.
Profits from the OGD1 board will be used to bootstrap other FLOSS
friendly hardware projects (not limited to graphics). If you are
tired of undocumented hardware, here is a chance to do something
about it.
The product info page:
The FAQ:
The order page:
For a developer discount, contact the Open Hardware Foundation:
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