VIA EX15000G

Walter C. Pelissero walter at
Mon May 19 13:27:46 UTC 2008

Jonas Lund writes:
 > I have an EN12000eg machine, running 6.2 on it. At the start however i
 > had some crappy fake-raid card installed. If any disks were attached
 > to it the boot would just hang. (Don't remember exactly but i think it
 > died already in the bootloader)

No additional card.

 > I think i have turned off the SW raid built into the board. no memory
 > as to if that affected the machine however.

I'm not aware of any RAID implemented in the motherboard's chipset.

 > A small note also, check that the bios reports the same amount of
 > memory that you have installed. If it's halved then there's a bug in
 > the chipsets that made atleast my board to use half the memory if the
 > stick had chips with 128MB on it. If you can get a stick with 64MB
 > chips it'll work. See for a hopefully better
 > description :)

I've installed a 1GB stick.  It looks as it is seen correctly (real
memory = 958MB, avail memory = 922MB).

 > I'm quite happy with it now. using gmirror, 2x 3.5" disks and a silent
 > machine that only uses 49 watts.

I was quite happy with an M6000 as well.

walter pelissero

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