FreeBSD 7.0 SATA Controller

Ralph Zitz ralph at
Sat May 10 20:36:58 UTC 2008

I can confirm the problems mentioned originally by Shaun Sabo. I'm 
running FreeBSD-current on a Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard in i386 
mode. Since I run "current" I'm used to certain side effects that 
require a livefs to undo some damage :-) I have SATA disks in raid mode 
which work just fine. Also I have a SATA dvdburner, which although able 
to boot either the install cd's and livefs cds, is not able to mount the 
fixit livefs ("fixit" prompt) mentioned in the previous posts. I need to 
attach my old ide cdrom drive to be able to do that. I'm pretty much 
used to this annoyance by now, but maybe it is a driver thing that needs 
to be looked into?

Ralph Zitz.

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