FreeBSD 7.0 SATA Controller

Jeremy Chadwick koitsu at
Thu May 1 20:41:58 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 03:04:28PM -0400, Shaun Sabo wrote:
> I checked to make sure that the hard disks are not in raid configuration and
> there are not. i also checked and my bios are at the latest version
> available (A11). also this is an XPS 600 not 700 and i have the correct
> users manual in paper and digital formats. how would you like the dmesg to
> be presented? i dont think i have any way to writing it to a thumb drive or
> such devices from the installer. should i just take digital pictures?

Digital pictures would be fine, unless you want to try the serial
console route (chances are you don't have this sort of environment set
up, so it's probably more effective to take photos).

One thing: does Linux detect your disks on this system?

I'd recommend downloading one of the recent RELENG_7 snapshot CDs,
specifically the "livefs" one, and boot it.  dmesg doesn't come with the
standard installation disc (disc1), hence why I'm recommending livefs.
The snapshots are available here:

You probably want one of these two:

dmesg should show some ATA stuff at the end, assuming you're familiar
with FreeBSD's kernel output.  Something like this, assuming the
physical disks are detected:

ad4: 190782MB <WDC WD2000JD-00HBB0 08.02D08> at ata2-master SATA150
ad6: 476940MB <WDC WD5000AAKS-00YGA0 12.01C02> at ata3-master SATA300
ad8: 476940MB <WDC WD5000AAKS-00TMA0 12.01C01> at ata4-master SATA300
ad10: 476940MB <WDC WD5000AAKS-00TMA0 12.01C01> at ata5-master SATA300

You'll need to work backwards to figure out what is connected to what,

$ dmesg | grep ata2
ata2: <ATA channel 0> on atapci1
ata2: [ITHREAD]
ad4: 190782MB <WDC WD2000JD-00HBB0 08.02D08> at ata2-master SATA150

$ dmesg | grep atapci1
atapci1: <Intel AHCI controller> port 0x30e8-0x30ef,0x30dc-0x30df,0x30e0-0x30e7,0x30d8-0x30db,0x30b0-0x30bf mem 0xe8600400-0xe86007ff irq 19 at device 31.2 on pci0
atapci1: [ITHREAD]
atapci1: AHCI Version 01.10 controller with 4 ports detected
ata2: <ATA channel 0> on atapci1
ata3: <ATA channel 1> on atapci1
ata4: <ATA channel 2> on atapci1
ata5: <ATA channel 3> on atapci1

Otherwise, if none of this works, you'll need to somehow provide the
full output of "pciconf -lv", which will be many screen fulls of data.
You'll probably have to pipe it through "more", take a shot, hit
spacebar, take another shot, etc...

Please post URLs to the photos, rather than attaching them.  The mailing
list software does not take kindly to large attachments.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                jdc at |
| Parodius Networking              |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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